Mental fitness

Mental fitness – just another hot topic? One could almost get that impression. In every day life the presence of mental fitness is gaining increasing emphasis. Mental fitness is often named as a required quality in the working environment, a bare necessity in professional sports and is considered an important personal competence.

In fact this assessment has its validity. The more the individual freed itself of constraints and social norms the more the demands increased with respect to the individual. A persons energy, the ability to concentrate, decision making capabilities, creativity and motivation are considered required prerequisites for personal and professional success. Just take a look at offered job vacancies!

Under normal circumstances the state of mental fitness can be reached through a combination of intellectual occupation, healthy nutrition, exercise, social contacts and adequate rest – but rest assured, certain deficits may remain despite best intentions and serious efforts. You may experience certain disappointments no matter how hard you try by yourself.

This is where my work begins as a licensed mental trainer or coach. Assisting you in your way forward and accompanying you in your progress in coping with and overcoming existing obstacles.

I am offering you to accompany you in coping with existing deficits in a structured and goal-oriented manner by providing a communicative and solution-oriented mental coaching approach. Our aim is to overcome burdensome influences to improve your mental state permanently.

All you have to do is be open and ready for a new approach!